The savings calculator on the building management's fees

Monthly fee for your professional syndic for the whole building * : €/month
Number of apartments and/or shops in the building * : lots
Number of months before the end of his contract : month
Number of months of notice (if any) : month
E-mail :

With Syndic4you, you can
save up to


until the end of your
syndic's contract



per year
i'm in!

Costs to be borne by letting your syndic's contract expire

Costs if you subscribe to Syndic4you Premium now

Syndic4you subscription:
Advance notice from your building manager:

Costs if you subscribe to Syndic4you Basic now

Syndic4you subscription:
Advance notice from your building manager:

With Syndic4you Premium you save

Until the end of your building manager’s contract:
Per year thereafter:

With Syndic4you Basic you save

Until the end of your building manager’s contract:
Per year thereafter:

* Not to mention that taking over the management in-house can make you save more, on your free choice of tradesmen for example.